You can’t have too many cocktail books in your arsenal, can you? I think they make great gifts for loved ones. A lot of them have unique recipes that make it worth it! (Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an ...

One thing Halloween is known for is the beverages! I love creating spooky drinks for Halloween. Even though there aren’t many cookbooks dedicated to Halloween, luckily there are several Halloween-themed cocktail books! (Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate ...

Cocoa bombs are one of many trends I let slip by me last year. In 2021, I intend to make my own cocoa bombs! My goal is to sit in front of a fireplace wrapped up in a blanket sipping on hot cocoa. This is one of my favorite chilly season activities! (Disclosure: Some of the links in this post ...

I only just learned that bourbon is an American creation – I am a little embarrassed! The history behind this all-American spirit is rich and fascinating. I never knew how much whiskey has impacted American distilling, law, and history. (Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase ...

My husband and I were lucky enough to take an impromptu trip to Mexico to celebrate his success not too long ago. We love a mix of relaxation and adventure, so of course, we had to try all kinds of tequila while we were there. This was an inspirational experience! (Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate ...

I hate to break it to some of you, but alcohol is dehydrating! I learned it the hard way, quite honestly. It’s tough because sometimes all I want on a hot summer day is a thirst quenching beverage that isn’t water. Also, I know some of my friends don’t drink alcohol at all! These mocktail cookbooks are going to keep ...

We can’t help but love cocktail cookbooks here at Cookbook Divas. Beverages can make or break holidays, parties, or a night in – especially cocktails. Many of our parties are surrounded by cocktails, beer, or wine! If you want to have some amazing drinks at your next gathering, check out these brand new cookbooks to get started. (Disclosure: Some of ...

I have a confession to make: I am just learning how to enjoy wine. My wonderful wine blogger cousin has kindly opened my eyes to all the possibilities. As I’m slowly learning about wine, I’m discovering that there is a fascinating science behind it. Cooking is this way as well! Fusing wine and food together, too, is an art. (Disclosure: ...

One of my favorite winter activities is to make myself a cocktail, sit in front of the fireplace, and read until late into the night. If we could have gatherings, I also like to get together with my friends and watch movies with themed beverages. I don’t think I have enough cookbooks to cover all my bartending needs! (Disclosure: Some ...

When I was young, tea was my thing, I absolutely hated coffee. It wasn’t just about “tea” though; for me it was mostly about understanding the flavors and herbs used for each bag. There was a point at which I lightly studied herbs and their medicinal properties, but my interest slowly faded away. Now I am an avid coffee drinker ...